1. They named it Diegueno
2. The kumeyaay were seasonal hunters, they fished in the bay, gathered grunionand mollusks they hunted small rabbits and they picked up wild fruits.
3. Ipai, Tipai, and Kamia.
4. They did not turn into christians they resented.
5. A force of Kumeyaay surrounded Mission San Diego de Alcalá, set fire to its wooden structures and attacked a small contingent of Spaniards.
6. about 20,000 Kumeyaay's in San Diego
7. Women's chins were tattooed, and sometimes their foreheads, cheeks, arms, and breasts as well. Men sometimes tattooed their legs. Painting the face and body were also used for body decoration and ceremonial purpose.
8. The women wore willow bark skirts and the men usually wore no clothing.
9. Kumeyaay were sophisticated basket makers weaving fine, tightly stitched baskets, which were worn as hats by both men and women.
10. Cuyamaca state park.
11. I would tell her everything because all of this information is very interesting because she needs to know everything because we live in their land and she must know who these people are and know about them in every aspect there is.